Preservation and the Community Together

Dear Fellow Preservationist;

As OPT reflects back on 2016 we see successes and challenges and as we look forward we see opportunity. Our successes have come from the diligence of both the OPT board as well as from members of the community. Together we can become the stewards of Orange County’s cultural resources.

We saw the successful landmark designation of the Marsh House in Lake Eola Park in Orlando as well as the nominations of the Bob Carr theater and the Armory as local Orlando Landmarks. One outstanding challenge is the current move by the City of Orlando to amend the local Landmark process by including the requirement that any application can only be made with property owner consent. We were able to get some publicity on the item and members of the community wrote and spoke against this change. This change is in opposition to nearly all other Certified Local Governments, CLG, in the State of Florida. While this change does have support of city council and staff there is recognition that modifications are needed to prevent any inadvertent threat to historic resources and consideration is being given to modify at the City Council 2nd reading in the near future.

There are opportunities for OPT to identify threatened historic resources in Orange County but to do so we need participation from people like you in the community. We look to the community to identify what is historically important and we will try to work together on feasible solutions.

We hope you take the opportunity to “like” and “share” Orange Preservation Trust on Facebook, check out our web site, and email us with ideas, comments and concerns at Share our Social media with family and friends. Most importantly we ask you to consider becoming a member, membership dues schedule can be found on our web page.

Together we can work together to save, protect and share what makes Orange County, Florida unique.


Raymond G Cox, OPT president 
